100 Mile May provides athletes from all walks of life an opportunity to join a community of likeminded individuals driven to give back to society by supporting a number of causes promoting healthy life choices. The goal is to run 100 miles throughout the month of May. We all run for a different reason and we encourage you to join us and #FindYourWhy
100 Mile May is a Nonprofit Organization currently pending 501(3)(c) approval. The organization oversees the annual fitness event, 100 Mile May, that taps into our collective competitive nature to promote health and wellness.
100 Mile May partners with the "Team Eric" group to manage the distribution of all funds raised. Created in memory of Eric J. "Tuner" Witunski (1993-2018) in 2018, Eric's family has formed the Eric J. Witunski College Scholarship Program to provide financial support for high school graduates. They have also partnered with many Boston area youth outreach programs focused on health and wellness.
Causes Supported